Categories: İnterpol

Next Exit – İnterpol(Gitar Tab)

      C    Am    F    G    C    Am    F    G
e ------------------------------------------------|
b ----8~~~~10~~~~6~~~~8~~~~8~~~~10~~~~6~~~~8~~~~--|
g ----9~~~~-9~~~~5~~~~7~~~~9~~~~-9~~~~5~~~~7~~~~--| ad nauseam
d ------------------------------------------------|
a ------------------------------------------------|
e ------------------------------------------------|
                        C    Am     G     F
(or if you prefer)e -------------------------------|
                  b ----8~~~~10~~~~10~~~~12~~~~----|
                  g ----9~~~~-9~~~~10~~~~12~~~~----| obviously let ring
                  d -------------------------------|
                  a -------------------------------|
                  e -------------------------------|
The notes sound at the same time so fingerpick them at the same time with
first and second fingers rather than using a pick, (get a smoother sound).

Guitar enters (0:24) just after vocal. (Slight distortion and sustain)

   (C)     (Am)      (F)      (G)organ underneath continues with above
e ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
b ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
g --5~~~~5~~/9~~~~9~~\5~~~~5~~/9~~~~9~~\5~~~~5~~/9~~~~9~~\5~~~~5~~\4~~~
d ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
a ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
e ---------------------------------------------------------------------|

Slide back into this progression and repeat:   g ~4~~/5~~~~5~~/9  etc
Play through completely x2 (Use can use octaves if playing by yourself)

e -------------------------------|
b -------------------------------|
g -5~~~~5~~/9~~~~9~~\5~~~~5~~\4~~
d -------------------------------|
a -------------------------------|
e -------------------------------|

Lead (1:20) x4

e ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
b -8/13~~~~12b(13)-12~~8-8~~8\6~~~~--6/8~~-----------------------------|
g ---------------------------------5------7h8b(9)-7h8b(9)~~~~----------|
d ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
a ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
e ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
It to me sooo long to get this bit, so I'll walk you perfectionists through some of it.
strike the 12 whilst bending it up to 13, hold it for a sec, let it down silently then
the 12 again, (So you don't strike it on the way down) // Hammer on from the 7 to the 8
then (without striking it again) bend slowly up to the 9, hold it; repeat this but the
2nd  hold the note you've bent up from the 8th fret. Resume lead progression again at the
bend on fret 12 for repeats.

Synth notes (2:06)
e -------------------------  e ------------------------| again pick both
b -------------------------  b ------------------------| notes @ once
g -------------------------  g --5~~~~9~~~~5~~~~4~~~~--|
d -------------------------  d ------------------------|
a --3~~~~7~~~~3~~~~2~~~~---  a --3~~~~7~~~~3~~~~2~~~~--|
e -------------------------  e ------------------------|

Enter lush guitar (2:16): x4 (+ one last strike of the C)

     C      Am        F      G
e ---8~~~~8~~8~~~~8~~~8~~~~8~7~~~~~--|
b ---8~~~~8~10~~~~10~10~~~10~8~~~~~--|
g ---9~~~~9~~9~~~~9~~10~~~10~7~~~~~--|
d --10~~~10~~7~~~~7~~10~~~10~9~~~~~--|
a -----------------------------------|
e -----------------------------------|

of course you can mix up the finger positions or not strike all the notes:
           C  Am F  F  F  G  G  G
       e --3--5--1--5--5--3--7------------------|
       b --5--5--1--6--6--3--8--10--------------|
e.g.   g --5--5--2--5--5--4--7--10--------------| etc.
       d --5--7--3--3--7--5--5--10--------------|
       a ---------------------------------------|
       e ---------------------------------------|

while Paul sings the organ underneath plays these notes (2:40)
   (C)  (Am)  (F)  (G)
e -------------------------|
b -------------------------| x2
g --5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4~~~~--|

Then the organ plays the churchish refrain from the start and verses(3:01)
      C    Am    F       G        Finish
e ------------------------------------------------|
b ----8~~~~10~~~~10~~~~12~~13~~15~~~~~~-----------|
g ----9~~~~-9~~~~10~~~~12~~12~~12~~~~~~-----------|
d ------------------------------------------------|
a ------------------------------------------------|
e ------------------------------------------------|

Next Exit

We ain't goin' to the town
We're goin' to the city
We're gonna trek this s*** around
And make this place a heart to be a part of

We're going
And we're gone

So baby make it with me in preparation for tonight
We've got so much to leave but that's not what makes this right
We've been building up steam
Ignited by the fight
So, do this thing with me instead of
Tying on a tight one tonight

We ain't goin' to the town

Bu akor toplamda 40 kez görüntülendi.